In December 2020, IAFIL obtained the ISO 14001 certification. The company motto – Excellence simply spun – embodies the entire philosophy of its work: starting from an exclusive raw material and working it to make it even more beautiful, with spinning and ennoblement as natural steps towards its complete and satisfying use. This is an entirely Italian manufacturing process: our sustainability starts from the raw material itself.
Within this framework lies the company’s environmental sustainability policy. IAFIL believes that protecting the environment and natural resources and the struggle against climate change are factors of corporate strategy. This is why it strives to achieve the following objectives:
• eliminating the negative impacts on the environment and maximizing the positive ones, with a special focus on flora and fauna
• improving the environmental sustainability of products and services
• employing the best technologies available
• meeting and exceeding the legal compliance obligations
• spreading awareness among all employees engaged in company activities at any level, through training courses, thus guaranteeing the effective enforcement of the environmental management system
• designing, developing and creating systems that are suitable for pursuing the above-mentioned objectives.
An environmental management system is employed throughout the entire organization, in accordance with the internationally recognized ISO standards, guided by the principles of constant improvement, stakeholder engagement and adoption of environmental indicators. IAFIL has also set objectives related to the optimal management of waste and wastewater and to the promotion of circular economy initiatives, geared specifically towards increasing the percentage of recovered waste.
IAFIL pledges to use supplier qualification criteria based also on environmental performance. Starting from 2021, IAFIL publish a periodic report on environment for all stakeholders, which is an integral part of its certifications, corporate communications, and of the training and awareness-raising initiatives on environmental issues for its employees.

The BETTER COTTON STANDARD SYSTEM is an approach to sustainable cotton production from the environmental, social and economic point of view. Each of the elements – from the Production Principles and Criteria to the monitoring mechanisms which show Results and Impact – work together to support the Better Cotton Standard System, and the credibility of Better Cotton and BCI, the not-for-profit organization which promotes it.

The GLOBAL ORGANIC TEXTILE STANDARD (GOTS) is recognised as the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres. It defines high-level environmental criteria along the entire organic textiles supply chain and requires compliance with social criteria as well.

The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® is a worldwide consistent, independent testing and certification system for raw, semi-finished, and finished textile products at all processing levels.
Test criteria and limit values in many cases go far beyond applicable national and international standards.
Extensive product checks and regular company audits also ensure that the industry has a globally sustainable awareness of the responsible use of chemicals.

The Global Recycled Standard (GRS) is promoted by Textile Exchange, one of the most important non-profit organizations that internationally promote responsible and sustainable development in the textile sector. With this standard, Textile Exchange recognizes the fundamental importance of recycling for the growth of a model of sustainable production and consumption; aims to encourage the reduction of resource consumption (virgin raw materials, water and energy) and to increase the quality of recycled products. The GRS provides for the issue of a third party verified environmental statement which proves: the content of recycled materials of their products (both intermediate and finished) compliance with environmental and social criteria in all of the production chain. All products that are composed of at least 20% of pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled materials can be GRS certified. The GRS criteria extend to the following areas: Product composition and content of recycled materials Maintaining traceability throughout the entire production process Restrictions on the use of chemicals. Compliance with relevant environmental criteria which may concern: water supply; waste discharge; and water drains; energy recovery (use of selected waste); polluting emissions into the atmosphere; waste production and management; soil and groundwater contamination; management of dangerous substances, preparations and materials; noise emissions; emergency management Compliance with social criteria relating to workers’ rights. Phases covered by the certification: Recycling of materials Every manufacturing process through which the recycled material is used to make intermediate products (for example: yarns and fabrics) or finished products intended for the consumer.

OCS (Organic Content Standard) – promoted by Textile Exchange – certifies textile products and manufacturing activities made from natural fibers – plant or animal – produced and certified in accordance with organic farming criteria. It guarantees textile products containing at least 5% from certified organic natural fibers and textile manufacturing activities and processes, starting with ginning, spinning, weaving and all subsequent ennobling processes, that use management models and procedures that comply with the set requirements.

REGENAGRI is an international regenerative agriculture program aimed at securing the health of the land and the wealth of those who live on it.
It supports farms and organisations that transition to regenerative farming techniques, increasing soil health, encouraging biodiversity, reducing greenhouse gases emissions and sequestering CO2.
By supporting regenerative agriculture, it contributes to the revitalisation of our planet and secures the future of agricultural products and their supply chains in a sustainable manner.
The REGENAGRI CU-892827 certification obtained by IAFIL testifies its commitment to the continuous improvement of its corporate goals.
The cotton used to spin REGEN 2/50, 3/50 and 8/50 is grown in fields certified in accordance with a 30-criteria standard addressing different regeneration indicators including soil health, carbon sequestration, water quality and management, pollution prevention, natural crop protection strategies, animal health and biodiversity.