Privacy Policy

When a contact request for sending information material (color charts, brochures, sample sheets) or for the purchase of yarns is sent, the data provided to IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA on the website pages at the URL address www.iafiil.it (“Website”) will be processed in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. Pursuant to article 13 of the Privacy Law, IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA informs the user of the following:

The controller of personal data is IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA, with registered office and operational headquarters in Via dei Ciclamini 3, 20147 Milano, Italy, PI 00736200155; iafil@pec.it registered with the Milan Chamber of Commerce n. REA: MI – 405294 (hereinafter the “Data Controller”).

B.1 User data is collected and used exclusively to reply to contact requests or for purposes directly connected and instrumental to the activity of IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI, and personal data is processed to comply with obligations required by law, or by an EU regulation or legislation, and to exercise its rights in a court of law.
B.2 By sending the contact form, the user agrees to receive notifications, newsletters and offers relating and/or linked to IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI at the email address provided when registering.
The user may stop the data from being processed in this way from the outset – by ticking the appropriate box when registering – or afterwards, by sending an email to privacy@iafil.it
B.3 by registering on the site and using the product search and contact creation functions, the user accepts that the personal contact data are used by the Data Controller and by the company that manages the site in order to set up business contacts between the Parties.
B.4 the email address the user sent with the contact form may be used by the Data Controller to promote its own services, to send advertising material exclusively relating to the abovementioned products or services, or for sending invitations to trade fairs (in person or digital) in which IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA takes part. The user can oppose the aforementioned processing both initially – by ticking the appropriate box when registering – and subsequently by sending an e-mail to privacy@iafil.it.
The abovementioned purposes are pursued as a legitimate interest of the Data Controller and their legal basis derives from the interested party’s consent.
The data will be stored in compliance with legal requirements or until the data subject party requests that it be cancelled.

The data requested when sending the contact form, for the purposes outlined in section B.1, is obligatory, as this data is necessary in order to be able to reply.
Any refusal to provide data means that IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI cannot respond to the contact request o to proceed with the sale and delivery of the requested product..

The disclosure of personal data by IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA is for the purposes and using the methods described in this policy, in accordance with consent to the processing of personal data.
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties, including outside Italy, – by way of example but not limited to – companies linked or connected to IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI and/or its trading partners, for the purposes outlined in Articles B.1 and B.2.In this case, third-party subjects able to carry out these operations will be appropriately selected according to their experience, abilities and reliability and will have to fully respect the current laws concerning data processing, including data protection. The data provided may also be processed by those responsible for individual services. The categories of staff who will carry out these activities may be, by way of example but not limited to, website agencies and communications companies, couriers and any person who works with IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA (within or outside of Italy) who provides services to meet the User’s requests.
User data is not subject to distribution.

Data is collected by electronic means and processed via registration, consultation, communication, retention and deletion procedures, predominantly carried out by electronic means, ensuring the use of appropriate measures for the security of the processed data and guaranteeing its confidentiality. The user’s data is saved in electronic format and held and stored on a server managed by the party appointed by the Data Controller.

IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATI SPA is committed to adopting appropriate security measures with the purpose of reducing to a minimum the risks of loss or deletion – even accidentally – of data, unauthorised access or processing which is unauthorised or non-compliant with the purposes of the collection indicated in this Policy, as required by art. 32 of the GDPR.
However, IAFIL INDUSTRIA AMBROSIANA FILATO SPA cannot guarantee its Users that the security measures adopted for the Website and the data and information transmission on the Website limit or exclude any risk of unauthorised access or data dispersal by the User’s own devices. We therefore recommend that computers connected to the Internet have appropriate software installed to protect online data transmission, whether incoming or outgoing (by installing, for example, updated anti-virus software). We also recommend that the Internet service provider has adopted appropriate measures for the security of online data transmission (by activating, for example, firewalls and anti-spam filters).

Pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 of the European Regulation, users are entitled to be informed, at any time, as to whether data relating to them exists and the purposes for which it is being used. They also have the right to ask to update or rectify, erase or block the data or prevent, either in whole or in part, its processing.
In order to exercise these rights, as well as to receive information about the Parties with whom data has been filed or disclosed, or Parties who, as managers or people responsible for data, may become aware of their data, the user can contact the Data Controller.
In order to exercise these rights, as well as to receive information about the Parties with whom data has been filed or disclosed, or parties who, as managers or people responsible for data, may become aware of their data, the user can contact the Data Controller at the email address privacy@iafil.it .

Data will be processed and stored for no longer than necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, in accordance with applicable civil law, fiscal and tax requirements or until the data is legitimately requested to be cancelled.

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